Official Culture Athletics Baseball Rules

Edition Dated: November 2022


Playing rules not specifically covered herein shall be covered by NFHS Baseball Rules. If there is any conflict in rules between these Official Culture Athletics Baseball Rules and the NFHS Rules, these Official Culture Athletics Baseball Rules shall govern. 


1.01 This organization shall be known as Culture Athletics. 

1.02 The objective of Culture Athletics Baseball shall be to organize, promote, and facilitate baseball tournaments. 


2.01 Registration

2.01.A All teams participating must register with Culture Athletics. If there are 

sanctioning fees, they must be paid.  Sanctioning runs from August 1st through 

July 31st. 


2.01.B All teams must have insurance. By playing, teams and coaches acknowledge that

they do have insurance.  

2.01.C All teams should bring an official roster of players, an insurance certificate, and a 

copy of birth certificates for each player on the roster. Be prepared to show these documents if asked for.

2.02 Eligibility

2.02.A The Head Coach is responsible for ensuring all players on the team roster are 

eligible.  If a player is found to be ineligible during a game, the team with the 

ineligible player must forfeit that game and any game the player has played 

in during the current tournament.  

2.02.B Age Determination: A player’s age group is determined by the player’s age on 

April 30th of the current year. Players are permitted to play up in the next age group. The Head Coach is responsible for ensuring all players are age-eligible.  

Coaches should have a copy of each player's birth certificate.  The baseball season 

for Culture Athletics  is August 1st through July 31st.

2.02.C A team may pick up players from another team as long as the player is not 

rostered on two separate teams in the same tournament in the same age division.

The player must be rostered on the team prior to the start of the team’s first game. 

Players cannot be added to a team’s roster once the roster is turned in.  


3.01 Most tournaments have a 4 game guarantee. In the event of bad weather or other unforeseen 

circumstances, Culture Athletics or the site director may need to adjust the format of the tournament.  If 

a team plays at least one game and the remaining games are rained out, ½ of the entry fee will be 

credited to a future tournament.  If 2 or more games are played, it will be considered a complete 

tournament and no credit will be given.  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL REFUNDS BE 

GIVEN. Check with the director about tournament format and structure. The structure of the tournament 

could be pool play with a single elimination tournament, round robin, etc.

3.02 While all games are scheduled to go the appropriate number of innings based on the age group, there is a 

time limit. Please see Age Specific Rules for specific time details. If a game is tied in POOL PLAY, the game will end in a tie.  If a game is tied at the end of regulation time or if time has expired in BRACKET PLAY, the international tie breaking rule will be in effect- the last out from the previous inning will start at 2nd base with no outs and batter will have no count. 

3.03 If a team has only 6 players present, then the team MUST forfeit. If a team has 7 players present, the 

team can still play.  There will be an automatic out when the 8th or 9th batter should bat (not the 10th or 

more).  The same will apply if a team has 8 players present. If players show up after a game has 

started, they will be added to the line up in the last spots. 

3.04 If a team forfeits for any reason, the score will be considered 10-0.

3.05 If a game is called due to weather or other hazardous conditions, it is ruled an official game if: 

  • For 6 inning games: 2 and ½ innings have been completed if the home team is ahead, or 3 innings have been completed if the home team is behind

  • For 7 inning games: 3 and ½ innings have been completed if the home team is ahead or 4 innings have been completed if the home team is behind

3.06 In the event of any ties or to determine a winner due to a rainout or for any other reason, the order that 

will be used to determine the winner is as follows: head to head, run differential, flip of a coin.



4.01 Teams should be ready to play 30 minutes before scheduled game starting time.  Games may be started 

early if fields are ready.  Once the umpires determine that play can begin, teams must be ready to play. 

If a team has not shown up and the umpires have decided that play can begin, the umpires will wait for 

15 minutes before calling the game. If a team has only 7 players at game time, they must start.  

4.02 Regardless of rain or other bad weather, teams should report to the fields.  It is the Head Coach’s 

responsibility to determine if games have been canceled or delayed.  If games are delayed, they will 

restart at the point of the delay, regardless of the number of innings played.

4.03 There is no pre-game infield.  Teams may warm up on the side of the field or in the grass, 

providing there is time between games and the facility allows it.  

4.04 Umpires will flip a coin to determine the home team in pool play.  In bracket play, the higher seed is the 

home team- no choices are allowed.

4.05 The slaughter rule is in effect for all teams.  The run rule is the following: For 6 inning games, 12 runs

after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings, and 8 runs after 5 innings.  For 7 inning games, 12 runs after 4

innings, 10 runs after 5 innings, and 8 runs after 6 innings.  However, if a team would like to forfeit the

game to stop play before the slaughter rule takes effect, the team can do that.  In this one circumstance,

the ending score will be whatever the score book says instead of the official 10-0 forfeit score.

4.06 Teams may bat their entire roster in all age groups.  This is only mandatory in the 6u & 8u age groups.  

If a team bats all rostered players and a player gets hurt or sick, then there IS NOT an out when the 

player comes up to bat. However, the player CANNOT re-enter the game. If a player leaves the game for 

any reason besides sickness or illness, then there IS an out when the player is supposed to come up to 


4.07 Teams may choose to use only one EH (Extra Hitter),  or none at all. However, the batting line up DOES 

NOT change unless an actual substitution is made.  If an EH is used or if all rostered players are used, 

players may move in and out defensively.

4.08 A courtesy runner can be used for the pitcher or catcher at any time.  A substitute player must be the 

courtesy runner.  For teams without substitutes, the last recorded out must be the courtesy runner.

4.09 Coaches may make 2 trips per inning to visit the pitcher.  On the second visit to the mound, the pitcher 

must be removed from the game.  

4.10 In all player pitch age groups, an intentional walk is granted upon request.

4.11 Pitching Rules 

4.11.A Players in 8U-14U may pitch 3 innings in a day and CAN still pitch the next day.  

Players in 8U-12U can pitch up to 6 innings in a day but CANNOT pitch the 

following day. Players in 13U and 14U can pitch up to 7 innings in a day but 

CANNOT pitch the following day. For example, a 10 year old can pitch 3 innings 

on Saturday and can pitch 3 innings on Sunday. Or the 10 year old can pitch 6 

innings on Saturday but cannot pitch on Sunday.  The maximum number of 

innings that can be pitched in a weekend is 6 innings for 8U-12U and 7 innings 

for 13/14 year olds. There are NO limitations for 15 and over. Innings are based 

on the number of outs.  For example, if a pitcher gets one out and then is removed 

from the mound, he has pitched 1/3 of an inning. Coaches are strongly 

encouraged to keep the pitcher’s health in mind at all times.

4.11.B Pitchers are allowed 8 warm-up pitches or 1 minute of warming up between 


4.11.C A player is in violation of pitching rules if he records an out above the legal limit 

within the rules. There is no penalty for exceeding outs recorded in the case of 

double or triple plays.  

4.11.D It is the responsibility of the opposing coach to challenge pitching limitations by 

notifying the tournament director and filing a protest.  A protest may be filed at 

any point after the pitcher in violation records an out beyond the legal limit.  It 

MUST be filed prior to the umpires and protesting team leaving the field of 

play, regardless of whether it was the last out or not. 


5.01 6U

5.01.A Bases are 60 feet apart.

5.01.B Pitching/Hitting

  1. Coaches are responsible for pitching to their own players. The coach may not catch/attempt to catch a batted ball or interfere with a defensive player. If this occurs, there is no play and the ball is dead. 

  2. The player pitcher shall not play in front of the adult pitcher.  The player pitcher must be behind or to the side of the adult pitcher. The player pitcher must keep one foot in the circle until the ball is hit.  The circle is 16-foot centered around the 46-foot mark from home plate.  Players can not be closer to home plate than the adult pitcher. The player pitcher must wear a mask.  

  3. The coach will pitch four balls to the batter. 

  4. A foul on fourth pitch and following pitches allows another pitch until the ball is either put into play or not struck by the batter. 

  5. If the ball is not put into play or fouled, the batter will have one swing at the ball on a tee. If the ball is not put into play in fair territory after the swing, the batter is out. 

  6. To be considered a fair ball, the ball must go beyond the 12-foot arc in front of home plate.

  7. No bunting is allowed.

5.01.C Rules of Play

  1. Leading off or stealing is NOT allowed. The runner is out if he leaves before the ball is hit or it reaches home plate.

  2. Play is stopped when the defensive player gets the ball inside the baselines and calls time out.  Runners less than halfway to the next bases must go back.

  3. All rostered players present for the game must bat in order, whether they are playing defensively or not. 

  4. 10 players will play defense. The extra player may play on the infield or the outfield. Two adult coaches may also be stationed in the outfield to provide instruction to the fielders. They must remain in the outfield or and in foul territory. They are not to come into the baseline of the infield.

  5. A player catcher may be behind the plate and catch pitched balls from the adult pitcher.  If so, he must be fully equipped. In addition, an adult catcher from the defensive team will be behind the player catcher to retrieve any passed balls and return them to the adult pitcher.  The adult catcher will not interfere with any plays.  The player catcher may also be stationed to the side and the adult pitcher will pitch to the adult catcher.  

  6. During the first 5 innings, an inning is over when either 5 runs are scored or 3 outs are made, whichever occurs first. There is NO CATCH UP in the first 5 innings. The 6th inning is over when 3 outs are made. If near the end of 1 hour of play, it appears that a game will not go 6 innings, the umpire will call “last inning” and it will be considered an open inning. The inning will be over when 3 outs are made, regardless of the number of runs scored.  

  7. All games are scheduled to go 6 innings.  However, there is a time limit of 1 hour. If there is any time remaining on the timer when the last out is made, another inning can start. If games are tied at the end of regulation or if time has expired, the international tie breaking rule will be in effect.

5.01.D For all 6U-12U age groups: there are no bat size restrictions. All bats must be 

stamped with a BPF of 1.15 or have the USA Baseball Logo.  

5.02 7U & 8U

5.02.A Bases are 60 feet apart.

5.02.B Pitching/Hitting

  1. Coaches are responsible for pitching to their own players. The coach does not have to stand on the pitching rubber. The coach may not catch/attempt to catch a batted ball or interfere with a defensive player. If this occurs, there is no play and the ball is dead. 

  2. The player pitcher shall not play in front of the adult pitcher.  The player pitcher must be behind or to the side of the adult pitcher. The player pitcher must keep one foot in the circle until the ball is hit.  The circle is 16-foot centered around the 46-foot mark from home plate.  Players can not be closer to home plate than the adult pitcher. The player pitcher must wear a mask.  

  3. If a batter fails to hit a fair ball in 5 pitches, then the batter may continue to hit until he either swings and misses, fails to swing, or hits a fair ball. A complete miss of a 3rd strike constitutes a strike out, whether it is after the 5th pitch or before. 

5.02.C Rules of Play

  1. Leading off or stealing is NOT allowed. The runner is out if he leaves before the ball is hit or it reaches home plate.

  2. Play is stopped when the defensive player stops the forward progression of the lead runner and the umpire calls time out.  Players can not call “timeout” to stop the forward progression. Runners less than halfway to the next bases must go back.

  3. All rostered players present for the game must bat in order, whether they are playing defensively or not. 

  4. 10 players will play defense. The extra player may play on the infield or the outfield. Two adult coaches may also be stationed in the outfield to provide instruction to the fielders. They must remain in the outfield or where the outfield would normally be and in foul territory. They are not to come into the baseline of the infield.

  5. A player catcher may be behind the plate and catch pitched balls from the adult pitcher.  If so, he must be fully equipped. In addition, an adult catcher from the defensive team will be behind the player catcher to retrieve any passed balls and return them to the adult pitcher.  The adult catcher will not interfere with any plays.  The player catcher may also be stationed to the side and the adult pitcher will pitch to the adult catcher.  

  6. During the first 5 innings, an inning is over when either 5 runs are scored or 3 outs are made, whichever occurs first. There is NO CATCH UP in the first 5 innings. The 6th inning is over when 3 outs are made. If near the end of 1 hour of play, it appears that a game will not go 6 innings, the umpire will call “last inning” and it will be considered an open inning. The inning will be over when 3 outs are made, regardless of the number of runs scored.  

  7. All games are scheduled to go 6 innings.  However, there is a time limit of 1 hour and 15 minutes. If there is any time remaining on the timer when the last out is made, another inning can start. If games are tied at the end of regulation or if time has expired, the international tie breaking rule will be in effect.

5.02.D For all 6U-12U age groups: there are no bat size restrictions. All bats must be 

stamped with a BPF of 1.15 or have the USA Baseball Logo.  

5.03 9U

5.03.A Bases are 65 feet apart. 

5.03.B Pitching distance is 46 feet.

5.03.C Rules of Play

  1. Lead offs are permitted. However, there is a 10 foot mark placed in the baseline off of 1st base, 2nd base, and 3rd base.  The runner can take a lead, but he cannot leave until the ball gets to home plate.

  2. The runner cannot get a “running start”. If he does:

  1. The runner is put back on the base.

  2. If the runner is out on the play, the runner is out.

  3. If the ball is put into play, the runner is only allowed a base if forced by the batter/runner.

  4. If the pitch is a passed ball or wild pitch that the catcher does not catch, the runner does not go back.  

  1. Dropped 3rd strike applies (NFHS Baseball Rules).

  2. Balks may be called, but umpires are very lenient at this age. 

  3. All games are scheduled to go 6 innings.  However, there is a time limit of 1 hour and 30 minutes. If there is any time remaining on the timer when the last out is made, another inning can start. If games are tied at the end of regulation or if time has expired, the international tie breaking rule will be in effect.

5.03.D For all 6U-12U age groups: there are no bat size restrictions. All bats must be 

stamped with a BPF of 1.15 or have the USA Baseball Logo.  

5.04 10U 

5.04.A Bases are 65 feet apart. 

5.04.B Pitching distance is 46 feet.

5.04.C Rules of Play

  1. Lead offs are permitted and runners may leave at their peril.  

  2. Dropped 3rd strike applies (NFHS Baseball Rules).

  3. Balks may be called, but umpires are very lenient at this age. 

  4. All games are scheduled to go 6 innings.  However, there is a time limit of 1 hour and 30 minutes. If there is any time remaining on the timer when the last out is made, another inning can start. If games are tied at the end of regulation or if time has expired, the international tie breaking rule will be in effect.

5.04.D For all 6U-12U age groups: there are no bat size restrictions. All bats must be 

stamped with a BPF of 1.15 or have the USA Baseball Logo.  

5.05 11U & 12U

5.05.A Bases are 70 feet apart. 

5.05.B Pitching distance is 50 feet.

5.05.C Rules of Play

  1. Lead offs are permitted and runners may leave at their peril.  

  2. Dropped 3rd strike applies (NFHS Baseball Rules).

  3. Balks may be called.

  4. All games are scheduled to go 6 innings.  However, there is a time limit of 1 hour and 45 minutes. If there is any time remaining on the timer when the last out is made, another inning can start. If games are tied at the end of regulation or if time has expired, the international tie breaking rule will be in effect.

5.05.D For all 6U-12U age groups: there are no bat size restrictions. All bats must be 

stamped with a BPF of 1.15 or have the USA Baseball Logo.  

5.06 13U & 14U

5.06.A Bases may be 80 feet apart. 

5.06.B Pitching distance may be 54 feet.

5.06.C In some cases, bases may be 90 feet apart with a pitching distance of 60 feet 6 

inches. Please verify at the venue.

5.06.D Rules of Play

  1. Lead offs are permitted and runners may leave at their peril.  

  2. Dropped 3rd strike applies (NFHS Baseball Rules).

  3. Balks will be called.

  4. All games are scheduled to go 7 innings.  However, there is a time limit of 1 hour and 45 minutes. If there is any time remaining on the timer when the last out is made, another inning can start. If games are tied at the end of regulation or if time has expired, the international tie breaking rule will be in effect.

5.06.E For 13U ONLY, there is a maximum of drop 8 with a BPF of 1.15 or the USA 

Baseball Logo. Drop 3 BBCOR bats are legal. Ages 14U and above use the NFHS 

Bat Rule (BBCOR), which is a drop 3 bat. 

5.07 15U & OLDER

5.07.A Bases are 90 feet apart. 

5.07.B Pitching distance is 60 feet 6 inches.

5.07.C Rules of Play

  1. Lead offs are permitted and runners may leave at their peril.  

  2. Dropped 3rd strike applies (NFHS Baseball Rules).

  3. Balks will be called.

  4. All games are scheduled to go 7 innings.  However, there is a time limit of 1 hour and 50 minutes. If there is any time remaining on the timer when the last out is made, another inning can start. If games are tied at the end of regulation or if time has expired, the international tie breaking rule will be in effect.

5.07.D Ages 14U and above use the NFHS Bat Rule (BBCOR), which is a drop 3 bat.

5.08 Bat Restrictions

5.08.A The following bats are illegal. Please check back regularly, as the list will be 

updated as needed.

  1. 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) – 29”/21oz. 

  2. 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) – 30”/22oz. 

  3. 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) – 31”/23oz. 

  4. 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) – 32”/24oz. 

  5. 2017 CF Zen SL 2 ¾” (-10) – 28”/18oz. 

  6. 2017 CF Zen SL 2 ¾” (-10) – 29”/19oz. 

  7. 2017 CF Zen SL 2 ¾” (-10) – 30”/20oz.

  8. 2017 CF Zen SL 2 ¾” (-10) – 31”/21oz. 

  9. 2017 CF Zen SL 2 ¾” (-10) – 32”/22oz. 

  10. 2017 CF Zen Zero Dark 2 ¾” (-10) – 29”/19oz. 

  11. 2017 CF Zen Zero Dark 2 ¾” (-10) – 30”/20oz. 

  12. Custom 2017 CF Zen 2 ¾” (-10) 

  13. Custom 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8)


6.01 4 coaches and/or scorekeepers per team have free admission to the tournament.

6.02 The home team is responsible for keeping the official score book.  

6.03 Any  coach, player, parent, or any other individual involved with any team that violates any rule 

may be removed from the field, park, or venue. Other penalties may be assessed against the 

person or team by the site director or by Culture Athletics. The head coach is responsible for the 

conduct of players, coaches, parents, and any spectators watching their team play.

6.04 If a coach, player, parent or any other individual is ejected, they must leave the field, park, or 

venue. In addition, they may be suspended from the next game, whether it is at the current 

tournament or at a future one. If they are ejected for a second time during the current tournament, 

they will be suspended from the remaining tournament games and the next tournament as well.  

Additional penalties may be assessed against the person and/or the team they are associated with.

6.05 Chatter/chanting is allowed. However, keep it positive. Remember, we are all here for the kids.

6.06 Metal cleats are only allowed in 13 and over age groups.  At any venue or field that uses 

portable mounds, metal cleats are not allowed at any age. Metal cleats will tear up the 


6.07 Protests must be made by the team making the protest at the time of play. Once the play/game is 

over, it is too late. A fee of $100 cash (refunded if upheld) must accompany the protest.  No 

protests are allowed on umpire judgment plays.

6.08 Rules may be adjusted or changed. Teams should check for any changes when they check in.